At Simply CBD Hub, we are committed to conducting our business ethically and responsibly. We firmly oppose all forms of modern slavery, including forced labor, human trafficking, and exploitation. This Modern Slavery Statement outlines our approach to addressing the risks of modern slavery within our organization and supply chains, and our ongoing commitment to combating this heinous crime.

Our Policy:

  1. Compliance with Laws: Simply CBD Hub complies with all applicable laws and regulations related to modern slavery and human trafficking. We are committed to upholding the highest standards of integrity and ethics in all aspects of our operations.
  2. Supply Chain Assessment: We assess the potential risks of modern slavery within our supply chains and take appropriate measures to address and mitigate those risks. We strive to work with suppliers who share our commitment to ethical practices and ensure that they adhere to the principles outlined in this statement.
  3. Supplier Due Diligence: When establishing new business relationships or working with existing suppliers, we conduct due diligence to evaluate their commitment to combating modern slavery. We review their policies, practices, and procedures to ensure they align with our values and ethical standards.
  4. Policies and Procedures: We have implemented internal policies and procedures that prohibit modern slavery and outline our expectations of employees, contractors, and suppliers. These policies are communicated to all relevant parties to ensure a clear understanding of our stance against modern slavery.
  5. Employee Training: We provide training to our employees to raise awareness about modern slavery, its signs, and how to report any concerns. By equipping our workforce with the knowledge and tools to identify and address potential instances of modern slavery, we empower them to play an active role in its prevention.
  6. Reporting Mechanism: We maintain a confidential reporting mechanism that allows employees, suppliers, and other stakeholders to report any suspicions or concerns related to modern slavery. Reports are promptly and thoroughly investigated, and appropriate action is taken.
  7. Continuous Improvement: We are committed to continuously improving our practices and procedures to prevent modern slavery. We regularly review and update our policies, conduct risk assessments, and collaborate with relevant stakeholders to stay informed about best practices and industry developments.

Our Commitment:

We recognize that eradicating modern slavery is an ongoing and collaborative effort. Simply CBD Hub is dedicated to working with our suppliers, employees, and industry partners to promote responsible business practices and create a transparent and accountable supply chain.

By adopting this Modern Slavery Statement, we demonstrate our commitment to:

  • Taking proactive measures to prevent and combat modern slavery within our organization and supply chains.
  • Assessing and addressing the risks of modern slavery in our supply chains through due diligence and ongoing monitoring.
  • Educating and raising awareness among our employees, suppliers, and stakeholders about modern slavery.
  • Investigating and addressing any reported instances of modern slavery promptly and appropriately.
  • Collaborating with industry peers, organizations, and regulatory bodies to drive collective action against modern slavery.

We will regularly review and update this statement to ensure its continued relevance and effectiveness in combating modern slavery.

For any queries or concerns related to this Modern Slavery Statement, please contact us at [email protected].


The Simply CBD Hub Management